The Wilderness Within The Machine

Daniel Temkin has always been a huge influence in my life, I admire his work/philosophy in Glitch & Art.

I have been studying him and his notes (with Hugh Manon)& I came across to this interview and I found his answer about the difference between glitch and generative art is significant. So I thought why not to share it here!

Can you draw a distinction between generative art (which can feature algorithms) and your concept of algo-glitch demented?

I call it algo-glitch demented, as opposed to algorithmic art (which I understand meaning generative art that uses algorithms). I’ll have to paraphrase Philip Galanter and say that generative art is any practice where the artist sets a system “in motion with some degree of autonomy,” resulting in a work.

“Glitch is a cyborg art, building on human/computer interaction. The patterns created by these unknown processes is what I call the wilderness within the machine.”

What makes algo-glitch demented is how we misuse existing algorithms, running them in contexts that had never been intended by their designers. Furthermore, there are moments of autonomy in algo-glitch, but this autonomy is not what defines it as algo-glitch; what’s more important is the control we give up to the process.

 To read more about his interview with Motherboard online magazine

Stay awesome & inspired!


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